The Bizarro World Cheers - Where nobody knows your name! This is Jeff's semi-starter blog. My first foray into a bloggery existence. Bear with me and I swear it'll get good. I've got juicy stories, tantalizing recipes, interesting anecdotes and amazing art. Coming Soon or later....
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sofa and pizza
So I just had to put up a picture of my new sofa. Nice isn't it? Finally settling into the new apartment AND planning a birthday trips. One for Carrie (much more on her later--she's postworthy) and a birthday trip in August for Carrie's grandmother's 100th birthday. Carrie = Vegas or Disney, leaning towards Vegas! 100th b-day = Conneticut, Groton to be exact or Mystic as it is also called. Infamous (cause I can't stand Julia Roberts) for it's setting of the movie Mystic Pizza, check it out! No not really. So I'm cutting it short but I'll make up for it next time with some art, stories and recipes like I've been promising. Oh yeah there are ads now too... Check them out!!
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Cats and Dogs
I talk to my cat. I talk to my cat like he was my son. If you find shock and issues with those statements then obviously you lack the awesomeness of being a cat owner. Even the word "cat owner" is largely erroneous for my cat relies on me for its existence more so expects his own way and parental-paid treasures as a bratty child might on Christmas Day.
You can i say I spoil him you can say he's just a cat you can feed him whatever you want to your the master. Now this is true he gets to choose his spot on my lap for forty-five claw-filled minutes and I treat him with leftover Police Station pizza cheese. The thing is and again the analogy adheres, have you ever seen a kid in a store who doesn't get the toy he wants, that toy that no one else has that compels one to swear off any bad deeds for life and eat his broccoli? Well now imagine that prepubescent whirlwind of rage has sharp teeth, claws and a penchant for a nagging, droning meow. That's a cat who gets what it wants. So I talk to him tell it's gonna be okay and pet him, hug him and love him.
Now why would that type of action necessitate or deserve my love and Dolittle impressions surely that would blow the Gimme Gimme sugar imp analogy out of the water. Well that parent still loves that kid at the end of the day thru all that but why would I talk to an animal that coughs up hairballs but can't play catch how can you say "awesomeness" well he has night vision. How cool is that?
Yeah talking to cats is cool no big deal. I'm not an old lady with 63 cats in her living room and I don't dress my dog like Elvis and pull him around in a toy car. That's off behavior. Wilson the King of Prussia is also not just any cat (they all have night vision by the way) he's like a part of the family that doesn't contribute and thinks he has the run of the house. So instead of the smart-mouthed GameBoy junkfood junkie he's more like the college dropout who lives in his parent's basement walking on ground Doritos. Talking to cats doesn't sound too bad now does it?
You can i say I spoil him you can say he's just a cat you can feed him whatever you want to your the master. Now this is true he gets to choose his spot on my lap for forty-five claw-filled minutes and I treat him with leftover Police Station pizza cheese. The thing is and again the analogy adheres, have you ever seen a kid in a store who doesn't get the toy he wants, that toy that no one else has that compels one to swear off any bad deeds for life and eat his broccoli? Well now imagine that prepubescent whirlwind of rage has sharp teeth, claws and a penchant for a nagging, droning meow. That's a cat who gets what it wants. So I talk to him tell it's gonna be okay and pet him, hug him and love him.
Now why would that type of action necessitate or deserve my love and Dolittle impressions surely that would blow the Gimme Gimme sugar imp analogy out of the water. Well that parent still loves that kid at the end of the day thru all that but why would I talk to an animal that coughs up hairballs but can't play catch how can you say "awesomeness" well he has night vision. How cool is that?
Yeah talking to cats is cool no big deal. I'm not an old lady with 63 cats in her living room and I don't dress my dog like Elvis and pull him around in a toy car. That's off behavior. Wilson the King of Prussia is also not just any cat (they all have night vision by the way) he's like a part of the family that doesn't contribute and thinks he has the run of the house. So instead of the smart-mouthed GameBoy junkfood junkie he's more like the college dropout who lives in his parent's basement walking on ground Doritos. Talking to cats doesn't sound too bad now does it?
Friday, July 02, 2010
Beer and sparklers!

Ready to start the three day weekend Fourth of July celebration!!! While at first glance this seems like a Facebookish post/what am I doing every five minutes kinda thing but while it's gonna be quick and sweet it's much wittier and deeper than any Facebook-post but I digress. (NO offense to those FBers, some dear and near) Relaxation and upackatation (I;m smart I can make my own words, it's a perk that and we can befuddle lesser minds) is the theme this weekend that and especially the celebration of our great nation. Crap! Leave it to a windbag to make a novel out of a notion. Okay here I'll wrap it up! In these stressful times of cynicism and a recurrence of the ME generation the more important things seem to fall by the wayside like the Fourth of July. Beer and sparklers. No work and lawn chairs. People take it for granted, their freedom, I included. It's a reality where with sadness and regret that STILL right now people can't live, breathe and do as they want with the ease that we do and during this time maybe just thinking about what cost and what life we have thanks to others then and now on the battlefield and feel pride that while we bitch about America and it's ways at least we're free.
Please a moratorium on I'm Proud To Be An American! There's tons of other patriotic songs out there.
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